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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Get rid of a bad day By Chrispin

Jah help me to get rid of a bad day
Nobody has authority over me
When your hand is still over me
Oooh Jah help me to get rid of a bad day

Verse 1:
Jah, nothing happens without a reason,
Even if it is a minor one.
If you know that when I get out
I will get involved in an accident,
help me to find a reason to stay at home,
Jah, If you know that by staying at home,
the wall will fall over me
Find a reason for me not to stay.
Everytime Jah, Find a reason for me to escape danger.

I always long to do good,
Help me do away with wickedness,
Free me from recklessness,
Free me from sadness and if I get hurt, console me

Verse 2:
Let the Angels celebrate when I die
Just the same way as my parents did when I was born
When death comes to my way,
grant me the opportunity and ability
to fix whatever is messed up
If I love someone who will break my heart
let’s not meet on the day she will say “it’s over”
Otherwise, let me not love her in the first place,
Spare me from produce a child I will not take care of.

I always long to do good,
Help me do away with wickedness,
Free me from recklessness,
Free me from sadness and if I get hurt, console me


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