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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Natty Dread By BOBO Marley

Dread, Natty Dread now, (Natty Dread)
Dreadlock Congo Bongo I. (Natty Dread)
Natty Dreadlock in a Babylon: (Natty Dread)
A dreadlock Congo Bongo I. (Natty Dread)
Eh! Children get your culture (Natty Dreadlock)
And don't stay there and gesture, a-ah, (Natty Dreadlock)
Or the battle will be hotter (Natty Dreadlock)
And you won't get no supper. (Natty Dreadlock)

Natty Dread, Natty Dread, now; (Natty Dread)
A dreadlock Congo Bongo I. (Natty Dread)
Natty Dreadlock in a Babylon - (Natty Dread)
Roots Natty, Roots Natty! (Natty Dread)

Then I walk up the first street, (Natty Dreadlock)
And then I walk up the second street to see. (Natty Dreadlock)
Then I trod on through third street, (Natty Dreadlock)
And then I talk to some Dread on fourth street. (Natty Dreadlock)
Natty Dreadlock in a fifth street, (Natty Dreadlock)
And then I skip one fence to sixth street. (Natty Dreadlock)
I've got to reach seventh street: (Natty Dreadlock)
Natty Dreadlock Bingy Bongo I (Natty Dread)
Natty dread, Natty Dread, now, (Natty Dread)
Roots Natty Congo I. (Natty Dread)

Oh, Natty, Natty,
Natty 21,000 miles away from home, yeah!
Oh, Natty, Natty,
And that's a long way
For Natty to be from home.

Don't care what the world seh; (Natty Dread)
I'n'I couldn't never go astray. (Natty Dread)
Just like a bright and sunny day: (Natty Dread)
Oh, we're gonna have things our way. (Natty Dread)
Natty Dread, Natty Dreadlock, (Natty Dreadlock)
Dreadlock Congo Bongo I. (Natty Dreadlock)
Don't care what the world seh; (Natty Dreadlock)
I'n'I gonna have things our way. (Natty Dreadlock)
If a egg Natty in a the red - (Natty Dreadlock)
If a egg Natty in a the red. (Natty Dreadlock)
Natty Dread, Natty Dreadlock. /fadeout/



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