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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

single boy by Ali kiba ft lady Jay dee

single boy
i am a single boy

pombe ni kichwa kinauma, kishalewa, anajipoza na maji
na mimi hata muda sina, nishamkanya, ninasikiza mamelody
Nishamwambia nini wewe, kupenda sana utakuwa chizi
hayanaga mjuzi yahwe, kila mtu analilia mapenzi

karibu chama la bachelor, ukinipenda, namaliza leo leo tu
siku hizi kwa kudanganyana, mvulana msichana, ishakuwa poa poa tu
hakunaga mapenzi yale, yakugandana ni zama za kale
money on the table now, kinachofata ni mimi na wewe, na wewe

who the single boy, I am a single boy
who the single boy, mi naye single boy
who the single boy, mi na we single boy
who the single boy, single single single boy
who the single boy, I am a single boy
who the single boy,we the single boy
who the single boy, mi na we single boy
who the single boy, single single single boy
who the single boy
I  am a single boy

[Jay dee]
Nimemkuta analia, kajilaza, sababu amechoka
Mengi amevumilia, yalomkwaza, anataka kuondoka
ana siku ya pili sasa, hajarudi nyumbani kulala,
namuonea huruma sana, haya mapenzi hayana maana

karibu chama bachelor, ukinipenda, namalizana leoleo tu
siku hizi kwa kudanganyana, mvulana msichana, ishakuwa poa poa tu
hakunaga mapenzi yale, yakugandana ni zama za kale
money on the table now, kinachofata ni mimi na wewe

who the single girl
who the single girl
who the single girl
who the single girl, am the single single girl
who the single girl, who single girl
who the single girl, single single girl
who the single girl, who the single girl
who the single girl, single single girl
who the single girl

who the single girl
who the single boy, i am a single boy
who the single girl, i am a single girl
who the single boy, mi na we single boy


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