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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Papa G By Nathalie MAKOMA

papa papa G papa papa papa G
oh ma little little little little little prince (2x)
hmm 9 long long months i've been waiting
oh i've been waiting for this day of my life (2x)

Couplet 1
i can't wait to see your smiling face and hold ur little hands papa G then i will know deep inside thats your my little man papG
papa papaG papa papa Giiii ma little little little priiince
papa papa G papa papa G ma little little little little princeeeeee

Couplet 2
i have so much to tell you i have so much to give you and i can't wait to be your mommy uuuuuu yeha i can't wait to be your mommy uuuuuuu yeha i can't wait to be your mommu oh yehaaa

Voici la traduction
Papa g, mon petit prince
9 mois que j ai dû attendre pour le plus beau jour de ma vie
J ai hâte de voir ton sourire et toucher tes petites mains papa g
A ce moment là je me rendrai compte que tu es Mon petit homme à moi
J ai tellement à te dire , j ai tant à t'offrir, et tellement hâte de devenir ta maman
Oh ouiiiiiiii
J ai hâte de devenir ta maman


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