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Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Ah ah ah ah ah, I don't know where to call home, i don't even know who my father is, my mother died many years ago, she didn't talk about my story and i can see how much i am lonely, don't tell me to hate cos it is love that i need, i wont to respect every person i see, the love is coming i live to see the future.

                                               What ever i do, how ever i work,
                                               I wanna touch MY DESTINY
                                               What ever i do, how ever i work,
                                               I wanna Touch MY DESTINY
My de my de my destiny what ever it is my destiny, my de my de my destiny
i will reach MY DESTINY.

Who ever you are, where ever you are from, i hope you can be my brother,
I hope you can be my sister, every old man i see on the street,
I wish he was my father, my story taught me to love every one,and i know
yes i know it will help me to touch MY DESTINY,
I don't care what People say, i just follow my way, and i know,yes i know
it will help me to touch MY DESTINY

                                             What ever i do, how ever i work,
                                             I wanna touch MY DESTINY,

                                             What ever i do, how ever i work,
                                             I wanna touch MY DESTINY

My de my de my destiny what ever it is my destiny, my de my de my destiny
i will reach MY DESTINY.



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